Insaf Students Federation and LUMS students arranged a lecture with Imran Khan on 4
th February 2012. The Venue was jam packed with students, faculty at LUMS, senior Lahore PTI members, residents of DHA, and parents of students. The ambience: electric, mood: overwhelming, the passion of Pakistan: in their hearts. The wave of alteration: Charging ahead with an ever strong velocity.

Speakers at the occasion included Ali Azmat, Ibrar-ul-Haq, Waleed Iqbal, Rao Hashim (LUMS), Talha Chishti (LUMS), Ahsan Rasheed, and Syed Rehan Bin Haris. Waleed Iqbal, the grandson of Allama Iqbal said, “Critics of students and PTI belittles them by calling those students the ‘Mummy- Daddy’ students who support Imran Khan”. The students reiterated that we are a politically aware generation of this country and we consider Pakistan as our “Mummy- Daddy”. Waleed further said that people need to get their votes registered with the ECP as soon as possible so that the turn out on the Election Day can be covered. There is 20% of what happens in terms of Rallies, talks, billboards, posters, banners etc, whereas the election day constitutes 80% of the actual result of any political party. The power of the ballot needs to be shown. In other countries university students play a vital part in the formulation of national political character of a country, political awareness, and political debate is entrenched. Just like this event, students of today are inspired by Imran Khan’s personality; similar was the case of students of Pakistan Movement who were inspired by Allama Iqbal’s prudence and vision. In his poetry he gave frequent but special reference of “Shaheen” or Eagle; for its farsightedness, high altitude flying (usually flies against the wind stream) and a loner who reins the skies and has no permanent home. It has the distinction of diving for a big catch nothing less than a deer; eating whatever an eagle could just in one go and leaving the rest for the other animals also living in jungle but without any self respect. It never likes to eat someone else’s hunt or catch. A person who has not created or innovated anything, or has taken any lessons from the Mother Nature, has literally wasted his/her time and life. He referred to Habib Jalib, the poet, whose poetry is being sang and narrated by various political figures of today. The poet himself was a die-hard Pakistani, who lived a life of austerity, without a notion of showing off to people; he raised ten children in a two bedroom house. The widow of Habib Jalib, commented on Shahbaz Sharif’s narration, “I wish he knew the meaning of this poem and the way my husband had led his life.”
Ahsan Rasheed, President PTI Punjab, explained as how Mr. Jinnah inspired the youngsters of Pakistan Movement. He reiterated that his generation had failed Pakistan but young people of this country are the only hope and future as the saviors. It’s not about a blood-infused revolution, rather a peaceful revolution which started taking momentum since the later part of previous year. Namal University (the Education city) in Mianwali is an exemplary institution for low income group students to get education and a degree equal to the standard provided by LUMS.
According to Ibrar-ul-Haq, 90% area of Pakistan is deprived of basic amenities. The roads and highways that have been constructed are used by affording people, while lower income residential areas are still denied access to road network, electricity and gas, education, and health facilities. Only 3% of the total national budget is allocated for education while justice is being denied to the majority of Pakistanis. At this point in time, Imran Khan is the only leader who has touched and is holding the pulse of the nation.
Imran Khan was confronted by the well informed, highly groomed students of LUMS who are the promised forthcoming prospective of this country and who were urged by IK to read the works of Allama Iqbal and try to make it their way of life. He said, “The concept of self consciousness or “Khudi” taught by the Great Allama carried a message to give up ego, to act wisely, and to become a co-worker of Allah in Universality. Another reference was of Nelson Mandela, who remained behind the bars for twenty seven years but at the time he was set free, he pardoned everyone who was harmed or hate him. Mr. Jinnah was offered the premiership of India, but he refused, since his goal was the founding of Pakistan. Knowing well about his health as he was suffering from TB, Mr. Jinnah never revealed that fact to anyone fearing that his mission, Pakistan would never materialise. Similar is the life of Prophet Muhammad (PBUH), Who started as an Orphan, grew as a Trader, spread the Message of Allah, became the best General of an army, set up the city of Medina as an example for humanity, and proved Himself as the best Statesman of all times. Prophet Muhammad’s (PBUH) is placed at number one among the 100 greatest men in history of the world, by the author Michael Hart”.

Ironically, today, Pakistan stands among the ten failed states of the world. While in Davos, Switzerland, Khan met ministers from China, Malaysia and Korea, the minister’s of the latter two countries visited Pakistan in the 60’s to view governance and progress that the country was doing. Similarly, minister of China visited Pakistan in 1979 to view the above progress, market economy to take examples which they could implement in their own country. The PIA was flourishing at that time; it made and developed Singapore Airlines and Emirates with its expertise.
Imran said, “Since the day this world was made by God, the proclamation of the Creator is; the punishment of Cowardice is death. Death does not mean, dying in the body form and getting buried six feet underground, rather it means, staying quiet while being ruled by the leaders like Mr. Zardari. The cowardice makes a person slave, hence value freedom, since being fearful one becomes chained. “The whole purpose of your existence is to know your destiny” (Al-Chemist). Allah says in the Holy Quran, “I created you for a purpose,” but that purpose is always hard to achieve and the thing that stops us from reaching our goal is either our ego or our fear. People who fear to lose can never win in their life. Another thing that bogs a person down is the fear that “What people will say” and this psyche in Pakistan steers a large number of people away from their actual goals in life. Come out of the “herd mentality” so that you can achieve the ultimate in life”.
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